Concepts of bereavement
Talking with bereaved people
Applying theories of grief to practice
Self-care in bereavement work

Children’s Emotional Wellbeing Workshop
Helping Children Tell Their Stories
Introductory Workshop for Working with Children
Counsellor Induction & Safeguarding Training

Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling
Tutor Standardisation ICSK-L2/CSK-L2
Tutor Standardisation New Tutors Training

Diploma in Counselling Skills
Further training
Emotional Freedom Technique Level 2 By Accredited Master trainers of trainer Tania A Prince
Emotional Freedom Technique Level 1 By Accredited Master trainers of trainer Tania A Prince
Mind Mental Health Awareness Training Day 1
Mind Mental Health Awareness Training Day 2
Trauma Awareness Delivered by MSc Psych Trauma Masha Bennett
Dealing with Distress: Working with Suicide and Self Harm by Carolyn Spring
M.C.T.C Fitness to Practice Person Centred Technique and Skills Recording
M.C.T.C Demonstrating an Understanding of the Boundaries and Ethical Framework for C.B.T Practice
Working on Dreams: A Gestalt Approach by Alan Leach